Über mich - David Kotzmann

Ich bin David Kotzmann, 30 Jahre alt und Experte im Bereich Cannabis seit über 10 Jahren. Neben persönlichen Erfahrungen in Deutschland habe ich mir in zahlreichen Auslandsreisen nach Asien oder Südamerika einen umfassenden Fundus an Wissen zum Thema Cannabis und Weed angeeignet. Durch meine Erfahrungen als renommierter Redakteur kann ich mein Wissen ausführlich und detailgetreu an meine Leser weitergeben und in verschiedenen, interessanten Bereichen um das Thema Cannabis informieren. Dabei gebe ich neben informativen Artikel zum Thema Anbau und Kultivierung auch immer interessante Einblicke und Geschichten aus meiner Vergangenheit preis und beleuchte, was sich beim Thema Cannabis in den letzten Jahren verändert hat.

Neben Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen über den Anbau teile ich interessante Videos und Einblicke in meine eigenen Grows. Ich reviewe verschiedene Cannabissorten und -strains und teste sie unabhängig. Außerdem gehe ich den Risiken von Cannabis auf den Grund und gebe meine kritische Meinung zu den verschiedenen Businessmodellen im Bereich Cannabis ab.


Die schönsten Momente, Erinnerungen und Erlebnisse auf einen Blick.

A greenhouse filled with rows of cannabis plants in pots, with the plants appearing lush and healthy. Sunlight filters through the glass roof, illuminating the vibrant green leaves.
A greenhouse filled with rows of cannabis plants in pots, with the plants appearing lush and healthy. Sunlight filters through the glass roof, illuminating the vibrant green leaves.
A close-up of a cannabis plant with dense foliage and prominent buds covered in trichomes. The leaves are serrated and vibrant green, with the background depicting more of the same foliage in a soft focus.
A close-up of a cannabis plant with dense foliage and prominent buds covered in trichomes. The leaves are serrated and vibrant green, with the background depicting more of the same foliage in a soft focus.
A tall, lush cannabis plant stands against a white brick wall. The plant features dense clusters of vibrant green leaves and buds, extending along its slender stem.
A tall, lush cannabis plant stands against a white brick wall. The plant features dense clusters of vibrant green leaves and buds, extending along its slender stem.
A close-up view of a hand gently holding a leaf of a cannabis plant. The plant's leaves are vibrant green, with a distinctive serrated edge pattern. The background is filled with more green foliage, indicating a dense growth of similar plants.
A close-up view of a hand gently holding a leaf of a cannabis plant. The plant's leaves are vibrant green, with a distinctive serrated edge pattern. The background is filled with more green foliage, indicating a dense growth of similar plants.
A close-up view of a cannabis plant with dense, trichome-covered buds and spiky green leaves, set against a blurred outdoor background with a rustic building.
A close-up view of a cannabis plant with dense, trichome-covered buds and spiky green leaves, set against a blurred outdoor background with a rustic building.
Lush green cannabis plants with dense, leafy buds are growing inside a greenhouse. The structure features a transparent ceiling allowing natural light to illuminate the plants, which are arranged in an orderly fashion.
Lush green cannabis plants with dense, leafy buds are growing inside a greenhouse. The structure features a transparent ceiling allowing natural light to illuminate the plants, which are arranged in an orderly fashion.

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A well-lit indoor greenhouse filled with a dense array of mature cannabis plants. The plants are robust, with thick clusters of buds, surrounded by healthy green leaves. Lighting fixtures and support structures are visible above and around the plants, contributing to the controlled growing environment.
A well-lit indoor greenhouse filled with a dense array of mature cannabis plants. The plants are robust, with thick clusters of buds, surrounded by healthy green leaves. Lighting fixtures and support structures are visible above and around the plants, contributing to the controlled growing environment.